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What role can youth and teens play?

In times of need, we turn first to our friends and peers. As a young person, you’re in a position to truly know what is going on with your friends, siblings, and fellow students in a way that adults cannot — and that also puts you in a position to help in ways that adults cannot.


You can offer nonjudgmental support to your peers. As you know, a conversation with someone your own age is often the only place where there is nobody judging or telling you what to do.


You can also model caring and compassionate behavior for people your own age and younger. If you see someone in need, you don’t have to be a bystander — you can be an ally, a friend, a supporter.

Child Abuse Prevention Month 2022

Throughout Child Abuse Prevention Month, the Child Abuse Prevention Council (CAPC), Yolo County Children’s Alliance (YCCA), and partners are raising awareness about nurturing resilience in youth and their families in the region. This year, the Yolo County CAPC will be leveraging this Strong Families Yolo website to provide new interactive resources and educational materials focused on the needs of youth and their parents/caregivers.  

We know that some of the ideas in this website may not be applicable during the COVID-19 pandemic when social distancing is required. We have still included these ideas as we hope this website will be used long after the risks of COVID-19 are no longer present. For more information about resources available during the pandemic, visit the Yolo County COVID-19 Resource List.

What can you do?
Click the + to learn more.
Be kind and Be the One for others.
Learn how to make a difference.
Reach out when you feel isolated or need help.
Tell a trusted adult if a friend needs help.
Help others learn about Strong Families Yolo!
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