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What role can parents play?
Being a parent or caregiver of kids isn’t easy — but you are not alone.
You’re doing a hard and important job — and it can be stressful. As parents, all of us sometimes need help. At other times, we’re in a position to give help to others.
Our goal is that wherever you live in Yolo County, you and your family are supported, connected, and have what you need.
We know that some of the ideas in this website may not be applicable during the COVID-19 pandemic when social distancing is required. We have still included these ideas as we hope this website will be used long after the risks of COVID-19 are no longer present. For more information about resources available during the pandemic, visit the Yolo County COVID-19 Resource List.
What can you do?
Click the + to learn more.
Parenting during COVID-19
Be the One for your child.
Learn more about parenting and child development. Information is power.
Educate yourself about sexual abuse and how you can decrease your child’s vulnerability.
Find answers to your questions about your child’s development.
Get support and help meeting your needs. Reach out for help.
Take care of yourself.
Volunteer with your child.
If you have a baby...
If you are raising a child with special needs...
If you are raising a child who identifies as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, or questioning (LGBTQQ)...
If you or your child are struggling with mental health issues...
If you would like resources in Spanish...
If you are a foster or adoptive parent...
Help others learn about Strong Families Yolo!
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