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What role can nonprofit & civic groups play?
You’re an organized force for good in the community — and you multiply your impact by providing ways for people who want to help to get involved.
Thank you for the work you do every day to support children, youth, families, and the health of our community. Below please find some additional ways that you can help children and families.
We know that some of the ideas in this website may not be applicable during the COVID-19 pandemic when social distancing is required. We have still included these ideas as we hope this website will be used long after the risks of COVID-19 are no longer present. For more information about resources available during the pandemic, visit the Yolo County COVID-19 Resource List.
What can you do?
Click the + to learn more.
Promote Strong Families Yolo.
Connect with the families already involved in your organization.
Support children and youth as part of your mission.
If you work with children, gain confidence in knowing what to do when you are concerned about a child.
Support community organizations and events that strengthen families.
Promote child sexual abuse awareness and keep children safe.
Help others learn about Strong Families Yolo!
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